Friday, 4 January 2008

Hidden Menus.... Explained

There are 2 hidden menus that you must know about:

  1. When the PSP is on press and hold down the "Select" button for 3 seconds. When you release the button a special menu will appear allowing you to change settings. Make the changes and select "Exit" No Reboot required!
  2. Power down the PSP by holding the power switch up for 6 seconds, then let go and leave the PSP for 4 seconds while it shuts down. After it has shut down, hold down the right trigger button, the one on the top right of the PSP made of clear plastic! While holding down the right trigger, slide the power switch up. You might want to use your other hand for this. The recovery console will load. You can release the right trigger after the recover console appear. Make changes here and select "Back" and "Exit". The PSP will reboot normally with the new settings.

1 comment:

ladiesman said...

what abought the version can it be v 6.20