Friday, 4 December 2009

New Motherboards

Recently a lot of folk have been finding that their PSPs use the new V3 motherboard. These are found on the last of the PSP Slim and lite model (PSP-2000) and the PSP3000 model.

Unlike the earlier PSP Slim and Lites (PSP-2000) and the PSP 1000 there is no easy way to replace the firmware.

However if you are on official firmware 5.03 or earlier all is not lost. If you have a later firmware you cannot yet downgrade.

On these newer PSPs with the V3 motherboard you can install custom firmware. However the change is not permanent. If you (or a program crash) resets the PSP or powers it down: Off rather than sleep the unit reverts to the official firmware 5.03. Note you must be on 5.03 not later or earlier!

While not as convenient as previous changes this is not as bad as it sounds as reinstalling and install the custom firmware typically takes less than a minute.